Podiatrist and Orthotist roles

What do Podiatrists and Orthotists do?

The roles of the Podiatrist and the Orthotist

There is a difference between the role of the Podiatrist and the Orthotist. Whilst their roles are extremely similar, there are some key differences between each profession. Both are HCPC registered clinicians and both work predominantly with patients  who have lower limb (foot and ankle) issues.

The Treatment hub have both HCPC Podiatrists and HCPC Orthotists within our clinics. Both professions work jointly in our team. There are very few private clinics across the UK that have both professions in the same clinic. You will see both Podiatrists and Orthotists in our clinic and this page hopefully explains the merits of each role and the advantage of having both in our clinics.

podiatry chiropody hamilton
Foot health and the role of the Podiatrist

podiatry and chiropody specific services

podiatry and chiropody specifc services

Podiatrists are experts in general foot health issues such as nail care, hard skin, verrucae or diabetic wounds If your issues are related to some of the issues below you should be seen by a Podiatrist.

Podiatrists are specialists in foot health and are best placed to look after the general health of your feet.

If you have recently been diagnosed as diabetic, or have trouble caring for your feet then you should seek the services of a Podiatrist.

Some examples of where a Podiatrist can help you are below

  • Nail care

  • Hard skin (or callus)

  • Corns

  • Verruca treatment

  • Fungal nail issues

  • Diabetic screening

  • Wound management

biomechanical assessment
Biomechanics issues seen by both Podiatrists and Orthotists

Podiatrist and orthotis biomechanical assessment

podiatrist and orthotist biomechanical assessment

For musculoskeletal issues around the foot and ankle then it is always sensible to understand if there is a biomechanical component to them. Both Podiatrists and Orthotists are equally qualified to see you.

Some examples of these issues are.

  • Arthritis

  • Arch or heel pain or plantar fasciitis

  • shin splints

  • Issues with flat feet or high arches

  • 1st toe pain

  • Forefoot pain

  • General foot/ankle pain on activity

For more information on how we may manage these condition please click here

A biomechanical Podiatrist or an Orthotist are both equally qualified to undertake a general biomechanical assessment.

For general biomechanics issues, it important that your clinician is HCPC registered either as a Podiatrist or Orthotist to do this. All clinicians in The Treatment Hub and Sport Orthotics are HCPC registered.

Ankle foot orthoses AFO's
Biomechanics issues seen by Orthotists

neurobiomechanical assessment

neurobiomechanical assessment

If you have an underlying problem which may mean that you have difficulty walking or you feel your issue is more complex. Then it may be advisable to look to have a biomechanical assessment undertaken specifically by an Orthotist.

The reason for this is that the orthotics prescribed may be more than just foot orthotics or insoles. Orthotists can prescribe other types of custom orthotics that Podiatrists cannot.

Examples of conditions are below.

  • Cerebral Palsy

  • Stroke (CVA)

  • Polio

  • Spina Bifida

  • Foot drop

  • Charcot Marie Tooth

  • Neuromuscular conditions (e.g. MS)

  • Club feet (Talipes equinovarus)

  • Other issues (such as significant foot and ankle deformity)

Our unique approach

The Treatment Hub and Sport Orthotics clinics are unique as our patients have access to both Podiatrists and Orthotists. We work collectively and recognise the value in having both professions working together for the benefit of our patients.

It is often the case that we would see patients jointly to use the unique skills each clinician has. Our clinics are unusual in the UK as most private podiatry or private orthotic clinics have Podiatrists or Orthotists working in isolation of each other.

On top of this, we have Physiotherapists, Sports Therapists and Orthopaedic surgeons that also work in our clinics. So we feel we are very well placed to manage any issues that come through our clinic doors.

team picture

Our team

Our clinic is made up of a number of specialist clinicians, and unique in that no other clinic in the country has the combination of clinicians including Physiotherpaists, Sports therapists, Orthotists and Podiatrists.

The unique aspect of our approach is our genuine desire to work collectively as a team to provide a holistic patient centred approach to ensure the best outcome for our patients. For more information on the services each of our clinicians provide please click on your area of interest to find out more about how we can help you.

Meet the Team

Due to the clinic having so many differing Allied Health professions in one clinic. We are lucky to have a wealth of knowledge and skills within the group. We work across the various specialties with a collective approach to ensure our patients receive the best care possible. At all times we have our patients at the centre of our approach.

For more information on the services each of our clinicians provide please click on your area of interest to find out more about how we can help you.

Podiatry Team

Our Podiatry team is primarily based in our Hamilton clinic. We cater for a wide variety of foot problems and issues from nail issues, corns and callus to verrucca treatments. The podiatry/chiropody team have a wealth of knowledge in foot health issues and work along with the rest of the team in providing the whole range of foot and ankle treatments.

All of our Podiatrists/Chiropodists are HCPC registered and can perform all routine treatments including nail issues, corns, callus, fungal and verruca issues. If you want to find out a little more about each member of the team and when they are available within the podiatry/chiropody clinic in Hamilton please click on the clinician above.

Our Hamilton clinic is one of the 3 best rated Podiatry/chiropody clinics in Hamilton South Lanarkshire and has a 5 star rating via Whatclinic.com.


Nicole graduated from Glasgow Caledonian University with a 2:1 honours degree. Nicole was selected to attend the special olympics in Abu Dhabi due to her keen interest in MSK conditions and biomechanics.

Nicole also undertakes all routine podiatry/chiropody treatments including nail surgery in our Hamilton clinic . She is also available for podiatry/chiropody home visits in the local area

Robyn Miller profile with label

Robyn qualified from Glasgow Caledonian University in 2017 with a 2:1 honours degree in podiatry.

She currently works in the NHS as well as being part of The Treatment Hub team.

Robyn enjoys routine podiatry and gets job satisfaction from dealing with all aspects of podiatry and keeping her patients pain free and mobile.

Biomechanical & Orthotics Team

Our biomechanical assessment and custom orthotics manufacture service is based within both our Hamilton and Glasgow biomechanics/orthotics clinics.

The Treatment Hub team all work as part of the Sport orthotics team, a specialist group of clinicians dedicated to delivering clinical excellence in biomechanics and orthotics. All clinicians undertake specialist biomechanical and MSK assessments, custom orthotic casting and custom orthotic manufacturing which is a unique aspect of the services provided. Custom orthotics are manufactured in our own custom orthotic lab in the Hamilton biomechanics clinic in Scotland.

The team is made up of nationally recognised biomechanical assessment specialists who are involved in delivering advanced practitioner orthotics/podiatry biomechanics roles in the NHS and private sector. Our Orthotist/Podiatrists biomechanics team include lecturers from the National Centre for Prosthetics and Orthotics at Strathclyde University in Glasgow, Scotland

The team have been recognised for their excellent clinical care and are listed within Whatclinic.com as being a 5 star service provider and also within 3 best rated clinic rating system. These independent sites rate clinics by customer feedback and also audit of clinical facilities and services.


Specialist areas:- Biomechanics, orthotics, neurobiomechanics

Robbie has worked in a variety of NHS and private orthotic and biomechanics services. This includes specialist orthopaedic foot and ankle clinics, sports injury clinics, paediatrics, Stroke and other neurological conditions .

Qualifying in 1996, he worked in England as lead clinician within The Leeds teaching Hospitals for 10 years before returning back to Scotland. On returning to Scotland he continues to work within the NHS as orthotic clinical lead within a specialist foot and ankle service and has many years experience in treating muscululoskeletal and orthopaedic conditions.

He currently works with a variety of national and international athletes, including Motherwell FC, Rangers FC as well as other SPL and SFL football teams.

He also works as the external examiner for the National centre for Prosthetics & Orthotics degree programme.


Specialist areas:- Orthotics & Biomechanics

Chris qualified with a 1st class Honours degree from Strathclyde University in Prosthetics & Orthotics. Chris is currently teaching fellow at Strathclyde University Prosthetics & orthotics undergraduate programme.

He is nationally and internationally recognised within biomechanics & orthotics community and is a trainer on the national MSK programme.

Chris has worked in The Treatment Hub since 2012 and also works in conjunction with other Orthotists and Podiatrists and foot and ankle surgeons.

Adam El Shafei

Specialist areas:- Biomechanical assessment, orthotics, MSK conditions and neurobiomechanics

Adam works within The Treatment Hub clinics in both Hamilton and Glasgow and has done since qualifying with a 1st class honours degree in Prosthetics and Orthotics in 2018. He has particular skills in complex biomechanics assessment and custom orthotic manufacturing

Adam is also a keen Karate enthusiast and competes both nationally and internationally.

Eilidh Simpson

Specialist areas:- Biomechanical assessment and custom orthotics

Eilidh has been with the Treatment Hub for 2 years and has clinics in both Hamilton and Glasgow.

She graduated from Prosthetics and Orthotics in 2021.

Not only does Eilidh manufacture insoles, she also treats patients in our Hamilton and Glasgow clinics. Click here to book with Eilidh if you would like an appointment.

Outside of work, Eilidh is still very busy walking her dogs, studying and going to the gym.

Physiotherapy & Sports Therapy Team

Physiotherapy, Sports therapy and sports massage is available at both our Hamilton and Glasgow clinics. All of these the clinicians work alongside the rest of the clinical team and provide joint assessments with Podiatry, biomechanics and orthotics specialists. Our physiotherapists are registered with insurance providers and have many years of experience.

Physiotherapy and Sports therapy is an essential part of keeping your body in shape to maintain your ability to be active, fit and healthy.

We see patients with a whole range of issues from simple aches and pains to patients with longstanding chronic conditions.


The Treatment Hub in Hamilton, South Lanarkshire near Glasgow has it's very own resident Sports Therapist in Grant McLullich.

Coming with a wealth of knowledge Grant provides a range of treatments including Sports Therapy, Sports injury treatment, Sports massage and rehabilitation and support from injury.

Grant McLullich is one of the original members of the team who started the Sports injuries clinic within ATHelite runnning and Triathlon shop in Hamilton back in 2008.

Grant is a keen runner and understands the importance of self management and injury prevention to ensure you keep injury free.


Physiotherapy clinics within our Treatment Hub Hamilton clinic is provided by our own Physiotherapist VIcki Day. Vicki is HCPC registered and also qualified in providing acupuncture and steroidal injection.

Vicki qualified in 2002 from Glasgow Caledonian university and has worked for 17 years in the NHS and is currently employed as a clinical specialist in musculoskeletal physiotherapy service.

Vicky is also qualified in injection therapy completing the masters module at University of Central Lancashire in 2012 and recently completed the master module in Non Medical Prescribing.

She has been working in private practice for 12 years treating patients from all backgrounds including sporting injuries, insurance referrals requiring rehabilitation following RTA or trauma, occupational health physiotherapy, chronic pain , post surgery rehabilitation and injury rehabilitation.

She has a keen interest in all aspects of musculoskeletal physiotherapy and thoroughly enjoys working in private practice where timely intervention can help achieve desired results

Manufacture Services


Having founded the business in 2007, Robbie has gone from doing everything by himself to now building and training this growing team.

With over 25 years of experience in the Orthotics industry, working all across the UK, Robbie has built a wealth of knowledge and experience which are the foundations of our manufacturing principles and products.

Ensuring that everything runs smoothly, Robbie oversees manufacture workflow, treats a large caseload of patients and does all of the background work with his wife Libby. Add 5 kids, a dog, coaching judo classes and weekly long runs, Robbie keeps himself fairly busy!

Book your appointment with Robbie at our Aberdeen, Glasgow or Hamilton branches.

Eilidh Simpson

Eilidh has worked with the TreatmentHub for 2 years and is responsible for finishing of the insoles for our patients. She takes great pride in creating great products and is a master multitasker.

Eilidh graduated from Prosthetics and Orthotics in 2021 and is currently studying another degree in Medicine.

Not only does Eilidh manufacture insoles, she also treats patients in our Hamilton and Glasgow clinics. Click here to book with Eilidh if you would like an appointment.

Outside of work, Eilidh is still very busy walking her dogs, studying and going to the gym.

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Carmen has worked with us for 2 years and is in her 4th and final year of the Prosthetics and Orthotics degree at Strathclyde. 

Carmen leads the rectification process of insoles. This involves making the required modifications to the plaster casts we take in clinic.

Having a great eye for detail, Carmen ensures the casts are rectified with precision. The better the cast, the better the outcome for our patients.

Carmen is in the final stages of her degree and is looking forward to starting up her clinics once she has qualified. Keep your eyes peeled!

Adam El Shafei

Adam has worked within the TreatmentHub since 2018 where he started off learning

the ins and outs of orthotic manufacture.

Adam’s main responsibilities include quality control and training staff, working

with the rest of the team to ensure your orthotics meet our high standards. Operating in all of our branches across Scotland, you can book your appointment with Adam here.

Having previously competed internationally in karate, Adam has now discovered a new passion for running and always looks for the next challenge!

What to Expect at The Treatment Hub

The ethos of our clinics has always remained the same. Quality and customer satisfaction mean everything! Every clinician involved in biomechanics & orthotics has come through the same post graduate mentoring programme which has proven extremely successful.

We undertake our own orthotics manufacture for a very good reason! We retain 100% control of all aspects of the manufacture process. As such, any adjustments for orthotics are undertaken on the spot and while you wait.

Equally, our one stop shop approach means clinicians from different disciplines including Orthotists, Physiotherapists, Podiatrists and Sports therpaists are all at hand and in the one place to deal with whatever problem comes through the doors

Our postgraduate mentoring programme

We actively recruit podiatry and orthotic undergraduate students on our own mentorship programme, teaching our unique orthotic manufacture methods and provide gradual clinical exposure.

This approach has been so successful that our original first 2 clinicians undergoing the mentorship programme went on to work as university lecturers on the undergraduate degree programme at Strathclyde University National centre for training in Prosthetics and Orthotics degree programme.

biomechanical assessment