Sport Orthotics Aberdeen

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Sport orthotics Edinburgh

Services at this clinic include

Sport Orthotics (Aberdeen)

Phits orthotics Glasgow

The Treatment Hub & Sport Orthotics Aberdeen clinic is our dedicated orthotics and biomechanics clinic within the Aberdeen and Grampian area.

It has ample parking at the front of the building and is also convenient for public transport.

Sport Orthotics Aberdeen is a Gait and Motion approved clinic. As such we have both the Footscan pressure system and are also able to provide Phits orthotics as well as other 3d printed orthotic devices.

If you have access or mobility issues we also have a private car park to the rear which is on the same level as our clinic rooms.

The Treatment Hub and Sport Orthotics Aberdeen is a satellite clinic and is primarily used as a biomechanical assessment and orthotic fitting centre.


Services available include


Our Aberdeen biomechanics clinic consists of 1 clinic room with clinics usually undertaken fortnightly. The clinic delivers all aspects of Biomechanical assessments, gait analysis, and custom orthotics from insoles to ankle foot orthoses (AFO's).


Contact details for our Aberdeen clinic

Sport Orthotics Aberdeen

7 Queens Gardens


AB15 4YD

Call:- 0141 212 7172