Biomechanical assessment Ayr

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Sport orthotics Edinburgh

Services at this clinic include

Sport Orthotics (Ayr)

Phits orthotics Glasgow

Biomechanical assessment Ayr

Biomechanical assessment Ayr within Sport Orthotics is our dedicated orthotics and biomechanics clinic situated within our physiotherapy partners Mover Better in Ayr.

Like all other of our Treatment Hub family of clinics Ayr is a Gait and Motion approved clinic. As such we have both the Footscan pressure system and are also able to provide Phits orthotics as well as other 3d printed orthotic devices.

We utilise both the newest technologies to compliment our many years of clinical knowledge in biomechanics, orthotics and gait analysis

The clinic based in Move Better in Ayr is a satellite clinic and is primarily used as a biomechanical assessment and orthotic fitting centre.


Services available include


Our clinic consists of 1 clinic room with clinics usually undertaken fortnightly. The clinic delivers all aspects of Biomechanical assessments, gait analysis, and custom orthotics from insoles to ankle foot orthoses (AFO's).


At our Edinburgh clinic we provide the full range of orthotics.

A brief overview of the various types of orthotics is given below.

  • Traditional custom orthotics:- These are made in our own orthotic lab. We make these from a non-weightbearing plaster cast of your feet in the correct position. We then make these in our lab to the custom prescription. To find out more about our custom orthotics click here 
  • Phits and 3D printed orthotics:- Phits orthotics are 3d printed orthotics made using specialist pressure readings of your feet. These orthotics are then 3D printed. 3D Ortho is a specialist range of custom additive printed orthotics. For more detail on both Phits and 3D ortho then please click here
  • Ankle foot orthotics (AFO's):- Ankle foot orthotics are available at this clinic. Our Orthotists can custom design your orthotics dependent on your issues. To find out more information on AFO's then click here

Podiatrist and orthotist biomechanical assessment

podiatrist and orthotist biomechanical assessment

We provide biomechanical assessments at this clinic. This is delivered by our Orthotists and Podiatrists.

A biomechanical assessment is the process to understand the cause of your pain or discomfort.

A biomechanical assessment is useful to establish why you may have the pain or discomfort with the following  issues.

  • Arch/heel pain (plantarfasciitis)
  • Forefoot pain (metatarsalgia)
  • Shin splints
  • Flat feet (planovalgus)
  • High arches (cavus feet)
  • Arthritis
  • Foot drop
  • Neurological conditions

As part of the biomechanical assessment we also undertake foot pressure analysis.

The purpose of this is to take exact data on how each foot takes weight in standing, walking or running.

This data is used in conjunction with the findings of your biomechanical assessment. It is particularly useful in patients who have specific areas of pain on the under side of the foot (plantar aspect).

But it also helps with looing at how your foot functions through out the gait cycle when your foot is on the ground.

Specialist orthotic clinic in Ayrshire

We have orthotics and biomechanics clinics across Scotland. We have been providing biomechanics and orthotic specialist clinics since 2007.

Collectively, the Sport Orthotics team have over 50 years of clinical orthotic assessment and manufacturing experience.

Contact details for our Ayr clinic

Sport Orthotics Ayr

8 Barns St



Call:- 0141 212 7172