Physiotherapy, Sports Therapy and Sports Massage in Hamilton
Physiotherapy, Sports therapy and sports massage is available at both our Hamilton and Glasgow clinics. All of these the clinicians work alongside the rest of the clinical team and provide joint assessments with Podiatry, biomechanics and orthotics specialists. Our physiotherapists are registered with insurance providers and have many years of experience.
Physiotherapy and Sports therapy is an essential part of keeping your body in shape to maintain your ability to be active, fit and healthy.
We see patients with a whole range of issues from simple aches and pains to patients with longstanding chronic conditions.
Physiotherapy & Sports Therapy Team

The Treatment Hub in Hamilton, South Lanarkshire near Glasgow has it's very own resident Sports Therapist in Grant McLullich.
Coming with a wealth of knowledge Grant provides a range of treatments including Sports Therapy, Sports injury treatment, Sports massage and rehabilitation and support from injury.
Grant McLullich is one of the original members of the team who started the Sports injuries clinic within ATHelite runnning and Triathlon shop in Hamilton back in 2008.
Grant is a keen runner and understands the importance of self management and injury prevention to ensure you keep injury free.

Physiotherapy clinics within our Treatment Hub Hamilton clinic is provided by our own Physiotherapist VIcki Day. Vicki is HCPC registered and also qualified in providing acupuncture and steroidal injection.
Vicki qualified in 2002 from Glasgow Caledonian university and has worked for 17 years in the NHS and is currently employed as a clinical specialist in musculoskeletal physiotherapy service.
Vicky is also qualified in injection therapy completing the masters module at University of Central Lancashire in 2012 and recently completed the master module in Non Medical Prescribing.
She has been working in private practice for 12 years treating patients from all backgrounds including sporting injuries, insurance referrals requiring rehabilitation following RTA or trauma, occupational health physiotherapy, chronic pain , post surgery rehabilitation and injury rehabilitation.
She has a keen interest in all aspects of musculoskeletal physiotherapy and thoroughly enjoys working in private practice where timely intervention can help achieve desired results